Pregnancy: The Inside Guide: A Complete Guide to Fertility, Pregnancy and Labour
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An insider's guide, this book has all the up-to-date and jargon-free medical information you will need to prepare for pregnancy and cope with any problems that may arise. The book is divided into 3 main sections--pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and post-pregnancy--and content is arranged in a question and answer format, so that finding the right information is easy. "Pre-pregnancy" looks at the science involved in conception and how best to prepare your body and mind to conceive. "Pregnancy" guides you through the complete 9 months--how to tell if you're pregnant; keeping fit and eating the right diet; physical and emotional symptoms you are likely to experience; all the tests you need to take, antenatal care and the team who will help you through it; and preparing for delivery and getting through labor. "Post-pregnancy" discusses caring for a new baby; dealing with a premature baby and other complications; and changes to your body after pregnancy.
An insider's guide, this book has all the up-to-date and jargon-free medical information you will need to prepare for pregnancy and cope with any problems that may arise. The book is divided into 3 main sections--pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and post-pregnancy--and content is arranged in a question and answer format, so that finding the right information is easy. "Pre-pregnancy" looks at the science involved in conception and how best to prepare your body and mind to conceive. "Pregnancy" guides you through the complete 9 months--how to tell if you're pregnant; keeping fit and eating the right diet; physical and emotional symptoms you are likely to experience; all the tests you need to take, antenatal care and the team who will help you through it; and preparing for delivery and getting through labor. "Post-pregnancy" discusses caring for a new baby; dealing with a premature baby and other complications; and changes to your body after pregnancy.
: Pregnancy: The Inside Guide: A Complete Guide to Fertility, Pregnancy and Labour