About the Book
This book is for the many people who own or run a small business and who want to make it grow. It sets out to be a pocket marketing consultant - without the expense of hiring one. The book contains fifty 'quick win' strategies each with a concise structure and brief action plan for putting into practice plus a short success story showing how someone else did so to the benefit of their business. The strategies are grouped into five chapters and the emphasis throughout is on simplicity practicality and effectiveness. This really is a can-do no-nonsense book on small business marketing.
About the Book This book is for the many people who own or run a small business and who want to make it grow. It sets out to be a pocket marketing consultant - without the expense of hiring one. The book contains fifty 'quick win' strategies each with a concise structure and brief action plan for putting into practice plus a short success story showing how someone else did so to the benefit of their business. The strategies are grouped into five chapters and the emphasis throughout is on simplicity practicality and effectiveness. This really is a can-do no-nonsense book on small business marketing.